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On whose side are you?

In True North by Morne Stephanus

“Did you know that Jesus was black?” Stunningly, this question was posed by a member of the Body during a bible class in which I was present. I responded to the question by saying that some white people say Jesus is white, some black people say Jesus is black and …

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Ancestry Not Applicable

In True North by Morne Stephanus

Who are you? What defines you as a person? Probably not a question that most of us get asked regularly if at all. Yet it is a question that delves into the core of our psyche and, how we answer often defines how we act and how others view us, …

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Selective Recall

In True North by Morne Stephanus

 After the emancipation of the Hebrew people, they started their journey to the Promised Land per the command and promise of God. The sheer spiritual magnitude of their release from Egypt is recognized in that it was part of God’s plan to bring salvation to mankind. (Cf. Genesis 12:1-3). On …