“Did you know that Jesus was black?” Stunningly, this question was posed by a member of the Body during a bible class in which I was present. I responded to the question by saying that some white people say Jesus is white, some black people say Jesus is black and …
The History of Us
The Lord’s church, although consistent in its existence since its establishment has never really flourished in the world. From the onset, it was met with great hostility and persecution which only grew as time went on. The church was hated by the Jews (Cf. Acts 8:4 & Acts 11:19) and …
There’s Hope in Mercy
If you were to look up the subject of torture, you may come across the works of the Assyrians. One Historian wrote the following about their ancient torture methods. In the ancient Far East, where there were large states peopled by many different ethnicities, leaders demonstrated their might by inventing …
When the phrase bought and paid for is used, it references something that has been fully acquired with no outstanding debts remaining. Nice car, is it yours? Yes, bought and paid for. This sentiment is true for the Church as a whole and individual Christians. Figuratively speaking, if someone were to look …