By now the phrase cancel culture has become a household name. The name in and of itself seems innocuous and, if you did not know any better you might think it refers to the rate at which TV shows are canceled only after a few seasons. If only this was the extent …
No Politics No Religion
No politics or religion is a phrase that enjoys tremendous popularity in our society. The person who holds this view will engage in conversation, friendship, etc. with one caveat, at no point can politics or religion be discussed. The proponents of this ideology believe they are gendering peace and harmony …
A Path To Destruction
A seventeenth-century history professor Alexander Tyler from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland made some interesting observations about the world’s greatest civilizations. He noted that the average life span of these civilizations were about two hundred years. During those years, a nation advanced through various stages. A nation would progress from …
On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service launched an unprovoked attack on the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. (, 2018) This attack served as the catalyst for the United States’ involvement in World War II. Unbeknownst to the Japanese and their Nazi cohorts, …